Hoey Family Mysteries - Solved!
The Mystery of Phillip Ialenti's Siblings
I have been in touch with Philomena's son, Bernard Tresca, and have included new information and pictures on this branch of the Ialenti Family.
The Unknown Cleveland Relatives
The people indentified in the photograph as "Uncle John and Aunt Theresa" may be John Stark and Theresa Frantz Stark, based on a picture of John and Theresa provided by Linda Koenig.  For a side by side comparison of the two pictures, please go here.  The exact relationship between John Stark and my Grandmother, Julianna Stark Weet still needs further investigation.

One of the men in the last photo may have been identified as Casper Schmidt - please go here to compare a known photo of Casper with the original unknown picture.  Thanks to Kim Schmidt for sending me the picture of Casper.
The Mystery of Jacob Zoerb's Sister
According to Katherine (Zoerb) Sabol, granddaughter of Jacob, his sister was Katherine Zoerb.  She married a man named Adam Klein.  Confirmation was found on the FamilySearch website which lists Katherine Zoerb, daughter of John Zoerb and Katherine Wiegand, born around 1861 in Coblenz, Germany and married to Adam Klein around 1881 in McKeesport, PA.  I still need to research any possible descendants.  Katherine also provided the names of Jacob's other siblings, which have been added to the web site.
The Mystery of Louis Weet's Sister's
I recently found the World War I draft registration form for Louis Weet's son Matthew.  On it he lists Martha Friedel from Cleveland as a relative.  Upon investigation, I found various records for both Martha and Mary in Cleveland.  It turns out that both women were married to men named Friedl.  I found marriage records for both in the Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio Marriage Records which listed them with the maiden name of Witkofsky, their adoptive father.  I also found Census records and obituaries which confirm that these are the correct women.  I now need to determine if their true birth surname is Friedl or if this was a mistake in interpreting the original Weet family tree layout.

Update to the update - I have finally found Louis and his sisters in the church records of Mnisek in what is now Slovakia.  Their birth surname was Vitkovszky.  I have no idea where the story of the adoption came from but at least the main mystery is solved.
The Mystery of the Rochester Donohoe's
I was recently given a packet of letters from my Great Aunt Ann Donahue, one of which was from her Uncle Patrick Donohoe who lived in Rochester.  From this information I was able to find Patrick and another brother in the census for Rochester, NY.  I am still trying to find any possible living members of this branch of the family.
The Mystery of the Missing Hoey
Finally - the biggest mystery I've faced in my research has been solved. I was recently contacted by a descendant of Anne Hoey Nolan, who is the missing sister (or half-sister) to Nicholas and John. The story that I was told as a child was mostly wrong - Anne came to the US by herself as a young teen, while her step-brothers came over many years later. If you want to read a fantastic story of her life and journey to America go to Absolutely Amy Anne, a genealogy blog done by Anne's 3rd Great Granddaughter. I still have a lot of work to do on the Hoey side of the family but this is a big step in the right direction.